The Art Of Simple Living: 19 Ways To Simplify Your Life Instantly!



In today’s day and age, there is an overwhelming amount of information and material possessions. Life has become more complicated and messy as a result. If you want to have a good life and be happy, you need to simplify your life as much as possible. This will help you stay calm and healthy, both mentally and physically.

What Does It Mean To Simplify Your Life?

A life free from material things is a simplified life. A life that is free from the mental and emotional baggage that most of us carry around unconsciously.

The life of a yoga teacher is one of complete freedom – both in terms of their internal state of mind and emotions and in terms of their external physical and material state.

This not only saves you a lot of trouble but also makes your thinking and decision-making clear. Making smarter and wiser choices in all aspects of life.

How To Simplify Your Life in 2022?

In today’s busy world, it might seem like living a simple, minimalistic life is out of reach, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, it’s very easy and straightforward.

It’s mostly a mind game. If you want to improve your life, all you need to do is change your mindset and apply the following ideas.

Before we begin, a rule of thumb to keep in mind is that in order to simplify your life, you just have to remember 2 things:

  • Subtract and let go of certain things
  • Make smarter choices in life

I’ve listed some ways below that will help you simplify your life right away.

1. Begin to declutter and organize your space

The first step to living a simpler life is to get rid of the clutter in your environment.

Don’t tolerate the mess in your life anymore. Start to organize and clean up your space.

Designate a specific location for each of your belongings and form a habit of returning each item to its designated spot after using it, even if it’s something you use frequently.

2. Simplify your home

Take a look at your home.

How does it look? What does it represent?

Our homes are a reflection of our identities.

We are not discussing the value of the home or how luxurious or well-furnished it is. Instead, Focus on cleanliness and organization.

You can declutter your life by getting rid of things you no longer use or things that are not that important to you. Consider removing them.

Instead of thinking inside the box, try to think of ways to make things more efficient, simpler and more organized. This way, you won’t have to waste time and energy every time you do something.

3. Simplify your wardrobe

Do you spend time every day thinking about and deciding what to wear?

Do you find it difficult to decide what to buy when you go shopping for clothes? Do you find that it takes a long time to make a decision?

Do you find yourself constantly trying to keep up with the latest trends? This can be a lot of work and can take up a lot of your time and money.

This complexity only creates more stress and causes us to focus more on ourselves, leading toanoz ier every day.

Having a smaller wardrobe of simpler clothing items can help save time when deciding what to wear each day.

Develop a dress code that you would wear on a normal day, so when you go shopping, you would know exactly what to get and from where.

For example, I, as a guy, have a daily dress code that consists of a plain t-shirt or polo shirt and jeans. The shoes are low-maintenance and can be worn without worry about them getting wrinkled.

I avoid shopping unless I really need to, and when I do go shopping I prefer simple styles and mostly neutral colors. That way my clothes go with everything and I don’t have to spend too much time thinking about what to wear every day.

Do not get caught up by the latest fashion trends and big brands. Instead, get neutral, evergreen clothing. You’ll feel a sense of freedom, believe me.

4. Simplify your thinking

To live a simple life, you must first simplify your mind.

Don’t try to overanalyze everything and get upset about things that people say. Just let it go and move on.

Stop worrying about the past or future and live in the present.

Stop finding fault with people or situations.

Calm your mind, and just be in the NOW. Live in the moment and be aware of your surroundings.

Writing your thoughts down on paper can help to simplify them. Have a diary where you write your thoughts down. Writing can help to organize your thoughts and ideas, and can be used as a way to ‘clear your head’.

5. Simplify your relationships

The best way to improve your relationships with other people is, to be honest, and clear in your communication with them.

One of the biggest problems in any relationship is the lack of effective communication. If you like something, communicate. Don’t be stingy in acknowledging and appreciating someone.

If you’re upset about something, either let it go completely or find a good time to discuss it calmly. Don’t bottle up your feelings, or they’ll just get worse.

In order to maintain healthy relationships, it is important to avoid using manipulative tactics, speaking in a toxic manner, or exploiting vulnerabilities. If you find that someone is behaving in a toxic way, it is best to distance yourself from that person.

Instead of surrounding yourself with people who are insincere and dishonest, it’s better to have a smaller group of people with who you trust and has a good relationship.

6. Simplify your work life

Are you having trouble progressing in your career? Are you sometimes unsure of what actions to take in order to further your career?

If you need help understanding something or want advice on what to do next, talk to an expert who can explain it to you and help you make progress. Don’t hesitate to invest money in your learning, guidance, and growth.

If you feel like your job is draining you, you may want to consider becoming self-employed. Brainstorm some good ideas and do your research.

Start your own side project in addition to your regular job. After some time, you’ll be able to work independently and be your own boss.

7. Simplify your diet

If you’re a picky eater or foodie, you may spend a lot of your time, money, and energy thinking about your next meal.

Most of the delicious food available these days is junk and slows down your mind and body.

If you’re always feeling lazy, it will be tough to stay on top of the things that matter in life. If you are not making progress on your goals, you will feel stress and anxiety unconsciously.

If you want to make your diet simpler, start being more aware of what you’re eating.

Choose foods that will give you energy instead of making you tired.

8. Don’t waste your “decision-making ability” on small things

Some experts say that we have a limit to the number of decisions we can make in a day.

The tiniest decisions we make, like what video to watch or what to wear, use up our energy to make decisions.

One of the reasons to include diet, clothing, and social media in this list is that they are all important aspects of our lives.

If you have a lot going on, try to streamline your everyday tasks so you can focus your mental energy on the more important things.

9. Set simple monthly goals

Instead of making New Year’s resolutions that you may not stick to, try setting yourself 1-3 goals each month. This way, you can focus on achievable targets and better your odds of success. Since January, I have been setting three goals each month. This has allowed me to start new habits, break down larger goals into manageable chunks, and achieve things that I have been meaning to do for a long time.

10. Carry a water bottle everywhere

It is important to stay hydrated and carrying a water bottle with you will make it easier.

11. Write your email to-dos on paper

Making a list of things you need to do can help you feel less overwhelmed when looking at your inbox. Making a list of the tasks you need to complete can help you figure out what is the most important and help you use your time more efficiently, rather than constantly switching between different emails trying to decide what to do next.

12. Create an on-the-go kit

You know that feeling when you have to leave for an overnight trip and you have to pack quickly? You can avoid panicking about forgetting something by keeping a pre-packed kit of products under your bathroom sink. If you’ve ever received a sample size of shampoo, toothpaste, or cleanser in a monthly subscription box, you know what I’m talking about.

13. Use the 50/30/20 budget rule

When it comes to budgeting money, most of us could use some help. I was never taught this sort of stuff in school! Schools should really be teaching their students about this stuff. While there is no perfect answer, I have found that allocating 50% of your monthly income towards living expenses, 30% towards lifestyle choices, and 20% towards savings is a good guideline.

14. Invest in a crockpot

Okay, it’s not even really an investment, is it? They were around $30. Crockpots make even the worst cook seem like a professional, and you get to come home to a meal that is already prepared.

15. Save digital files to the cloud

If you’re tired of losing your work all the time, try saving your documents to OneDrive or Google Drive. You will have access to your files no matter where you are, and you will not have to deal with multiple copies of the same file, which can be confusing and frustrating.

16. Use IFTTT

Otherwise known as If This Then That. This creation lets you automate processes that you would usually do. I have a recipe that tweets my Instagram photos as soon as I post them. This app can also create recipes for you, such as backing up your phone contacts to a Google document.

17. Aim for quality rather than quantity

If you want your life to be simpler and easier, focus on quality instead of quantity.

When choosing between products, go for the higher quality option that will last longer. This will save you money and hassle in the long run. If you have to save money for it, be patient and save a little at a time.

This mindset applies to your daily routine as well.

You will be more successful if you focus on doing a few important things well, rather than trying to do too many things poorly. You’ll be able to stay calm and collected while still enjoying what you do.

It’s better to spend quality time with your loved ones and give them your best behavior instead of just showering them with material gifts.

Listen to them empathetically with full attention. Assist them in routine tasks. If you give them your time and attention, they will value it more than anything else you could give them. Your personal life will be much happier and simpler as a result.

18. Don’t allow “lack of knowledge” to make your life difficult

Many aspects of our lives become complicated because we do not know how to manage them properly, or what to do to get out of a sticky situation and make some headway.

Remember, Knowledge (with Action) is POWER.

People who choose not to learn and look for solutions are lazy. They don’t want to strive for a better life by reading good books or attending courses, or workshops on personal and professional development. As a result, they tolerate a lower quality of life.

I think that every person has the ability to change their lives for the better in terms of their mental and physical well-being, as well as their spiritual.

The only thing stopping us from having a great life is our lack of knowledge and lack of action.

Knowledge gives you a better understanding and helps you see things more clearly. To live your best life, focus on gaining knowledge and wisdom. Then ACT on that knowledge and wisdom.

19. Stop putting things off – STOP PROCRASTINATING

The more you put things off, the more they accumulate and become more difficult to do later. I’m sure you know the feeling when a simple task becomes a big issue because you keep putting it off for another day.

Putting off exercise and being inactive today could lead to health problems down the road.

You will have a lot of personal and professional problems if you delay learning and seeking knowledge today.

If you neglect your relationships today, they will gradually become weaker and eventually die.

You don’t want to have any problems in your life, so don’t let laziness ruin your future.

Make a list of whatever you have been delaying and arrange them in order of priority. Then JUST DO IT. It’s that simple.