The 6 Best Exercises to Lose Weight


It is well known that exercise can have a positive effect on our mental and physical health, however it can be difficult to form a habit of regular exercise that we can maintain. It is much more doable to rise and take action daily once you actually notice the outcomes you are aiming for- whether that be slimming your midsection, making your rest, demeanor, and vigor better, or diminishing symptoms of tension, nervousness, or despondency.

Regardless of what you hope to gain from exercise and whatever level of fitness you are currently at, it is essential to combine various exercise types. The best exercise programs should be composed of a combination of three components: cardiovascular (or aerobic) workouts, strength training, and exercises for flexiblity and stability. Doing this will not only optimize the well-being gains, but also make your exercises diverse and captivating.

You don’t need to complicate things by signing up for personal training or expensive exercise programs. Finding workout plans online or downloading a fitness app are both viable options. By following these straightforward rules, you can maximize your time and gain all the health and slimming benefits of routine physical activity.

Here are the 6 best exercises to lose weight:

1. Walking

For those just beginning their fitness journey, walking is an optimal form of exercise for losing weight. It requires no extra equipment, is easy on the joints, and fits into any schedule. It has been determined by Harvard Health that a person who weighs 70kg (155 lbs) would use up 186 calories if they employed a pace of 4.5 mph (6.4 km/h) for a half hour. A person with a mass of 56kg (125 lbs) will expend 150 calories, while someone with a greater mass of 84kg (185 lbs) will burn 222 calories.

Corrie states that a large portion of the calories our body burns on a daily basis is not necessarily due to a concerted exercise plan. Simply moving about and executing our everyday errands can accumulate to a massive amount of calories expended. Going for a stroll is an excellent way to boost your non exercise activity thermogenesis and create a large enough caloric deficit for reducing weight.

Begin by taking a stroll for thirty minutes four times in the course of a week, then gradually increase the amount of time and amount of days per week. Steady movement is not always necessary for effective exercise; in actuality, a study from Ohio State University revealed that walking at different intensities can burn up to 20 per cent more calories than pacing at a consistent speed. This is due to the amount of energy burned while altering your speed, amounting to as much as eight percent of the total energy used while walking normally on a daily basis.

2. Running

Running is an excellent weight loss exercise. The speed of jogging is between 4 and 6 miles per hour (6.4-9.7 kilometers per hour), while running is faster than 6 mph (9.7 km/h). Harvard Health states that if weighing 70 kilos, jogging for 30 minutes at a 5 mph (8 km/h) rate would cause 298 calories to be burned, while running at 6 mph (9.7 km/h) would mean 372 calories being expended.

Colman states that there are a lot of advantages to running, from releasing pleasurable chemicals, fortifying muscles and bones, and increasing the strength of the cardiovascular system. The third one is specifically beneficial for slimming down, which is associated with an increased VO2 max. This implies that when needed, you can exercise longer and more intensely.

Doing activities, like jogging, that require oxygen are especially potent when it comes to combating damaging visceral fat, which is positioned far within the stomach cavity, encasing your internal organs. Working out of this kind also helps to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease by improving your ability to resist fasting insulin levels, and lowering liver enzyme and fasting triglyceride levels. To begin, aim for a schedule of four jogs of 20-30 minutes each week.

3. Cycling

There are various kinds of biking – riding bikes in the open air, taking spin classes with stationary bikes in the gym, and even doing indoor cycling workouts that include weight training. Based on Harvard Health, for a 70kg person, cycling on a stationary bike at a moderate rate for half an hour would result in burning 260 calories – whereas, biking outdoors at a velocity of 12 to 13.9 mph (19 to 22.4km/h) for the same amount of time would burn 298 calories.

Cycling is an excellent workout that has all the advantages of running for melting away the fat, but does not put pressure on your joints like running does. Corrie states that cycling not only gets your pulse up, but also has the potential to burn lots of calories. Besides increasing your cardiovascular ability, this activity will cause your body to burn more calories, helping you to shed fat.

4. Weight training

Working out with weights is an important aspect of any weight-reduction program and is often referred to as “resistance” or “strength” training. According to Harvard Health, a 154-pound individual expends 112 calories when doing weightlifting for a half hour. Developing muscle mass and strength is important to successfully reduce body fat.

Corrie states that lifting weights is an excellent way to assist in reducing fat. Exercising not only helps burn calories while engaging in it, but also in the period after you are done. Every time you gain a gram of lean muscle, the amount of calories you burn while not moving will increase. This is known as your basal metabolic rate.

Aerobic exercise, like running, boosts the number of type I muscle fibers, while lifting weights amplifies type II muscle fibers. Researchers from Boston University conducted a study that showed that an augmentation of type II muscle mass can directly bring down the amount of fat in someone’s body.

5. Circuit training

Circuit training is a workout composed of alternating aerobics, strength training, and intensive activities, carried out in succession. Typically, six or more movements are completed either for a fixed quantity of reps or duration of time, while taking brief pauses in between each one. After a short break, you repeat the circuit again.

Harvard Health has reported that a person who weighs 70 kilograms can burn 298 calories by doing a 30-minute circuit training session. This exercise can increase your pulse and build up muscle groups simultaneously, making it a very successful exercise for shedding pounds.

Colman states that by creating a circuit of exercises, it is possible to target a variety of muscles, which boosts the body’s oxygen intake and energy expenditure, thus helping with losing fat. Combining certain physical activities such as pushing and pulling can also boost one’s metabolism.

6. Interval training

Interval training encompasses short bursts of activity combined with designated periods of rest. This could mean doing activities such as biking, jogging, utilizing plyometric drills, or doing exercises using your own body weight. An investigation from the University Of Guelph demonstrated that interval training leads to fat burning and quicker development of fitness compared to steady but moderately-intensive exercise.

A widely recognized form of this exercise regime is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). A HIIT session generally runs anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes and consists of brief spurts of intense activity, followed by brief respites of low-key activity. Such bursts of high energy can include exercising with maximum effort for up to a half minute, then recovering at a much less strenuous tempo for one to two minutes.

HIIT not only enables you to burn a high amount of calories within a brief timeframe – a single research has demonstrated that HIIT can even burn up to 30 percent more calories per minute compared to weight lifting, cycling, and jogging on a treadmill – your body also continues burning calories after the workout is completed, referred to as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC).

Thus, many individuals contend that HIIT is the optimal exercise for shedding pounds. Corrie insists that HIIT training is an extremely efficient way to torch calories. You can use up the same amount of energy as activities requiring more stamina, but in a much shorter period of time.

How much exercise do I need?

It is essential to hold on to the idea that any type of physical activity is preferable to having none. You can boost your health by not spending too much time sitting down and being active more often during the day. For substantial health benefits, though, government guidelines in the U.S., UK, and other countries recommend that you aim for:

You should strive to do roughly two and a half hours of physical activity of a moderate intensity on a weekly basis. This amounts to a total of fifty minutes each week, distributed in segments of ten minutes each if this is more comfortable.


If your physical health permits, getting 75 or more minutes of strenuous activity every week will give you the same advantages. For instance, instead of walking quickly for half an hour, you would be running for 15 minutes.


You can mix moderate and vigorous physical activity, following the general rule that one minute of vigorous exercise is comparable to two minutes of moderate activity.


You should do activities that work to increase your muscular strength at least twice each week in addition to any other exercise you complete.

Looking to lose weight?

It is possible to attain better health benefits if one engages in physical activity for more than five hours at a moderate intensity level on a weekly basis, or for more than two and a half hours of vigorous activity. This can be especially beneficial for weight loss.

Start slowly

If you haven’t done any physical activity previously or been physically inactive for an extended period, it is suggested to begin at a low intensity and over time increase the effort expended, as recommended by your physician. Rather than beginning with a goal of thirty minutes of strolling spread out over five days of the week, start small, such as five or ten minutes, and gradually increase the amount of time.

How many days a week should I work out?

The results of a British inquiry revealed that those who fit all of their physical activity into one or two periods on the weekend still reap close to the same benefits of others who exercise regularly. Breaking up your physical activity over multiple days during the week could help lessen the likelihood of an injury and keep your energy up for the whole week.

Moderate-intensity vs. vigorous-intensity exercise

The intensity level of an activity is largely determined by one’s personal physical fitness level. Going for a fast-paced run, for instance, can be seen as moderate difficulty for a professional athlete but quite strenuous for someone who is new to exercising.

How intensely am I exercising?
Low intensity
How it feels: Breathing easily, warming up but not yet sweating. Can easily talk in full sentences—or even sing.

Activities include:

  • casual walking
  • stretching
  • tai chi
Moderate intensity
How it feels: You’re working, breathing faster, and starting to sweat more. You’re still able to talk in full sentences, but not able to sing.

Activities include:

  • brisk walking
  • water aerobics
  • riding a bike on level ground
  • doubles tennis
  • pushing a lawn mower
  • hiking
  • weight training
  • skateboarding
  • rollerblading
  • volleyball
Vigorous intensity
How it feels: Really working, breathing hard, sweating hard, and too breathless to talk in full sentences.

Activities include:

  • jogging or running
  • swimming fast
  • riding a bike fast or on hills
  • singles tennis
  • soccer
  • skipping rope
  • aerobics
  • martial arts
  • gymnastics
  • circuit training

Vary the intensity for faster results

The primary aspiration of the majority of individuals who exercise is to increase their physical conditioning while dedicating less time to exercising. However, many of the claimed shortcuts are simply not real; however, interval training, with bouts of strong movement followed by moments of lighter movement, truly works.

As an illustration, once you’re all warmed up, don’t just do your walking at an average-intensity pace for a half hour, rather, opt for interval training for 20 minutes. Stroll at a regular pace for one minute, then move on to run at a fervent cadence for one minute, then go back to a hasty walk for a minute, and keep repeating the cycle. You may choose to switch between doing a fast walk, jumping rope, and doing push-ups.

Switching up your intensity level like this is not only good for your heart, but it can help you get the most out of your workout in a shorter span of time. Your physician granting permission to exercise allows you to reduce your blood pressure, get rid of excess weight in the center of your body, and continue having strong muscles. Varied workouts which challenge muscles in different manners can be accomplished through interval training.