Unfortunately, it’s true that the amount of calories in alcoholic beverages must be taken into consideration. Alcohol Aware states that the same amount of calories can be found in a pint of beer as a large piece of pepperoni pizza. But it doesn’t mean you must give up alcoholic beverages entirely if you want to shed pounds. Understand the contrast between alcoholic beverages that are low in calories and those that will quickly contribute to your waistline.
It has become more challenging since the bars resumed operations. Through the summer the weather was bright and the invitations for a beer seemed to be arriving continually. Now that autumn has arrived, it’s the perfect opportunity to pop into a pub for a spontaneous drink as the evenings get darker. It’s hard. It is difficult.
If you are looking to progress healthily, it is essential to have a strategy that allows you to choose what you consume without sacrificing the joy and excitement of the past year.
The calorie content of your go-to beer isn’t particularly high, equalling about 149 calories for one pint. Remember it isn’t easy for our blood sugar to stay regulated when we drink alcohol, so in addition to consuming alcoholic beverages, you’ll likely want to eat something unhealthy while traveling home. In addition to the calories you eat while hungover for the same purpose. Life is hard.
But fret not! You can still have a good time by drinking (or having more) without ingesting the same amount of calories as fourteen Krispy Kreme donuts.
Eat a sizeable meal before you go out
Yes, this is not the most desirable course of action if one is concerned about gaining weight, but it is understandable.
You are less likely to experience a moment of great insight in a dismal fast food restaurant in the middle of the night while looking at brownish-gray meat illuminated in every direction by the harsh fluorescent lights bouncing off the white tiles. You had different expectations, but you realize now that you can watch your chips becoming soggy at the current moment. This isn’t what you wanted at all.
In order to prevent that outcome, it’s necessary to devise a strategy and plan your meals carefully. Consuming a high-protein meal will make you feel fuller for longer, avoiding the urge to fall back on high-fat, cheese-filled foods. Eggs are beneficial, and oats are an excellent source of both fibre and protein, so porridge is an excellent option.
If consuming a meal for breakfast and dinner does not sound appealing, then consuming proteins high in beneficial fats, such as salmon, can decrease the speed of alcohol absorption into the bloodstream, while sweet potatoes are a type of complicated carbohydrate that has the same effect. Steer away from salty treats – they will only make you thirsty – whereas processed carbs might disrupt your blood sugar and make you hungrier later on.
It is essential to remember to not neglect your meals in order to save room for drinks. Much like buying cheap batteries, it’s a false economy. You’ll end up getting worn out faster, and not only will you feel awful the following day, but you’ll be more probable to eat something that you’d rather not eat.
Get out of the round system
When you got to the pub to hang out with your friends, someone instantly inquired what you’d like to order from the bar. It would be wise not to make their selection more challenging with a lesser-known beer brand or a costly mixed drink, so you simply stick with what the group ordered. A pint of non-specific lager, please. You are stuck in a vicious loop where you are constantly ingesting high-calorie foods out of politeness, even though you don’t even actually want them.
Evading the traditional cycle is not as egregious an offense as one might think. It’s kind of a pain having to trek across the room to get drinks each time, but it’s worth it if you want to make all the decisions tonight. Release yourself from any feelings of responsibility and be straightforward about what you’re attempting to accomplish. If your friends are respectable, they will not concern themselves with it. If they are not too drunk to pay attention, they will end up that way soon.
The emergence of apps allowing one to purchase drinks from pubs has made it much more straightforward to go it alone. You don’t have to go to the bar alone and struggle to attract the attention of a server while your friends are enjoying a drink. At the beginning, make it clear that you plan to get your own beverages and do it in a calm manner.
Be mindful of the rate of your drinking once you’ve started. Follow the mindfulness tips above. Savour the taste with greater intervals between sips. You’ll end up drinking less and enjoying it more.
Stay disciplined
To put it simply, consume fewer servings of your favorite beverage. It may seem rudimentary, but we all understand how craving for alcoholic beverages can spiral out of control with every fresh and thirst-provoking sip.
Being disciplined is essential, but you can also make life simpler for yourself. Do not keep too much alcohol in your refrigerator or pantry, as it will only end up being an attraction. Maybe you should get supplies every week, only getting what is on your list. It may seem too stringent, but this is only needed until you have created a more beneficial habit for yourself. Using an alcohol diary can be useful in order to gain a better understanding of your use of alcohol and find any potential problem with drinking habits.
What is the best alcohol to drink on a diet?
If you’re trying to watch what you eat, you can modify most types of alcoholic drinks to make them healthier. Obviously, there is a certain level you cannot go below in terms of the caloric content of alcoholic beverages. Wright states that alcohol has fewer calories per gram than fat but more calories than either protein or carbohydrates.
The process to make spirits involves taking ingredients that have been fermented and running them through distillation to make a combination of pure alcohol and water. Certain brands and types of spirits can have sugar and additives added before bottling. In the creation of wine and beer, the components are only subjected to fermentation, saving the majority of the calories they had initially, plus the additional calories contributed by the alcohol.
One pint of beer has approximately 180 calories, one small glass of wine has an estimated 160 calories, and one single serving of hard liquor is estimated to have 60 calories. While alcoholic drinks have a lower amount of calories, they are frequently blended with syrupy mixers that can increase the total calorie count. Individuals do not always drink just one beverage, so having two glasses of wine or beer can raise the amount of calories consumed by as much as 360.
Alcohol isn’t just fattening because of its calorie count, the manner in which the body utilizes these calories is also a factor. Alcohol can’t be kept in the same way we store proteins, fats, and carbohydrates from food and drink, according to Wright. When alcohol is consumed, it gets processed first, making it more likely for the other nutrients to get stored.
16 of the best low-calorie alcoholic drinks
If you’re looking for ways to reduce your calorie intake without compromising your dietary goals, you have multiple options. Depending on what you like, there are multiple delectable options to pick from. Whet your whistle with our pick of the best low-calorie alcoholic drinks:
1. Vodka, soda, and lime
You only have 61 calories to worry about because the zero-calorie sparkling mixer eliminates the additional calories. Try squeezing a bit of lemon or lime into your drink instead of sugar-filled cordial, and garnish the glass with a sprig of mint or rosemary to give it a strong scent. The sense of smell strongly influences how we perceive food and drinks.
2. Light Moscow Mule
A Moscow Mule can be prepared with vodka, slimline ginger beer, and lime juice – finished with a wedge of lime – to make it a healthier option. Total calories? 80 per serving.
3. Champagne
A 125ml glass of Champagne has only 86 calories, making it an ideal low-calorie beverage to enjoy during celebrations. If you don’t have enough money to fill your refrigerator, Prosecco is a cheaper choice, with 87 calories for the same amount.
4. Gin & Tonic
You can still savor this summery drink as a low-calorie option – just remember to go for a low-calorie tonic so the calories stay under 100. You could try using less gin so that you can still enjoy the botanical taste but with fewer calories.
5. Hard seltzer
Hard seltzer is a fizzy drink that has increased in acceptance in both the US and the UK lately. It consists of carbonated water with alcohol and is sometimes combined with fruit flavoring. Generally, the number of calories per serving of the product varies from one manufacturer to the next but is generally lower than 125.
6. Light beer
In general, the lighter the beer you choose, the fewer calories it has – so go for an IPA, pilsner, or any other type of pale lager. Skip stouts, porters, and other heavy brews. Search for a beer with an alcohol content that is between four to five percent ABV.
7. Martini
The Martini consists of nothing other than vermouth and either vodka or gin, making it one of the lowest-calorie cocktails you can consume. Each serving has about 180 calories. Given that it is comprised entirely of alcohol, it is highly potent and should be slowly sipped and enjoyed, instead of being guzzled.
8. Whisky on the rocks
Whisky on the rocks ranks high with only 61 calories per 25ml servings. If you don’t particularly care about consuming neat alcohol, why not combine it with soda water to create a delightful highball?
9. Frosé
Frosé is a frozen version of rosé wine, made by combining it with ice to give it a slushed-up texture. The lower water content of this rosé gives it a lighter consistency than normal and it usually holds a maximum of 120 calories if the syrup has not been added.
10. White wine spritzer
Adding a bit of soda water to your white wine can help you cut down on the number of calories you consume, and make your bottle last longer. Suggested types of dry white wines for this include pinot blanc, chardonnay, and pinot grigio. Hope affirms that spritzers can aid in cutting down total calorie consumption without decreasing the amount of food that one eats.
11. Paloma
If you like agave alcohols, switch your sugary Margarita for a Paloma, a combination of Tequila, grapefruit juice, soda, and lime juice. You could substitute a grapefruit soda for grapefruit juice and soda to significantly lower your calorie intake.
12. Bloody Mary
We must make a qualification here. A highly decorated Bloody Mary with bacon decorations likely will not help you maintain your health targets. Mixing a splash of vodka with a few ounces of tomato juice, plus a dash of Worcestershire and Tabasco sauce should satisfy your craving while not consuming too many calories.
13. A glass of red wine
A glass of red wine is a good choice for those who are trying to keep their calories low, as it has 85 calories in each 125ml serving. Pick a Cabernet Sauvignon or Pinot Noir if you’re looking for a wine with fewer calories, as these options tend to have less sugar. You’ll also enjoy a bonus hit of antioxidants, too.
14. Watermelon Mojito
A typical Mojito is high in calories because of the white sugar or syrup that is included. Begin by mashing cubes of watermelon together with fresh mint leaves in a glass for a healthier version of the classic. Begin by crushing some ice and adding one shot of rum, then finish by pouring sparkling water over the top.
15. Light Tom Collins
A conventional Tom Collins consists of gin, lemon juice, sugar, and soda water. Go for something lighter by replacing the sweetener with vanilla vodka. Make sure that the spirit you use is infused with botanical ingredients rather than syrup.
16. Kombucha Sour
If you find yourself hankering for a Whiskey Sour, which is comprised of whiskey, lemon juice, and sugar, why not experiment by using kombucha instead? This beverage is straightforward and revitalizing, and the probiotics present in this sparkling, fermented tea are beneficial for your digestive tract. Just make sure to pick one without added sugar.
It is essential to maintain a positive mindset when it comes to drinking alcohol. Reducing the amount of alcohol you consume can be advantageous for your weight, overall health, restfulness, and frame of mind. Your bank account will thank you, too. It’s not a requirement to forgo alcohol for just the month of October; it’s a good practice for everyone to step away from liquor periodically. Taking a break from drinking, whether it’s for a few days or weeks, can be beneficial and is something all of us should consider.