If you have a vacation planned in four weeks, or just want to get ready for summer, this workout routine will help you get in shape. The split and exercises will be the same each week, targeting your entire body, but the intensity will increase through the use of supersets, drop sets, and circuits. This will help you build muscle while also burning fat.
Before you start working out, read this overview of the training plan so you know what you’re doing. Then, go hard on those stubborn love handles!
Beach-Body Training Overview
HIIT Workouts
Start your HIIT workout with a 1:3 ratio of work to rest. For example, if you do a 30-second sprint, take 90 seconds to recover. Repeat this cycle for 20 minutes.
As you improve, try doing 30 seconds of work followed by 60 seconds of rest to boost intensity.
Workout as hard as you can for each interval, then cool down and stretch for 5-10 minutes to help with recovery.
Week 1: Get Started
This week, get to know the daily workouts and exercises. Do each move in a set, resting for 30-45 seconds between each set.
Your three days of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) will each be 20 minutes long. You can do HIIT workouts anywhere, outdoors with sprints or on a treadmill, elliptical, or bike.
Week 2: Supersets
This week you’ll be doing workouts in supersets, which means you’ll do two movements back to back with no rest. A superset is complete when you’ve done both exercises.
The workout will be split into supersets, with each superset consisting of two exercises. You will need to rest for 30-45 seconds between each superset in order to allow adequate recovery.
Week 3: Super Drop sets
On this week’s workout plan, you will be doing supersets again. However, on the last set of each superset, you will do a drop set for both exercises. A drop set is when you continue the exercise with a lower weight after you can’t do any more with the higher weight.
For example, your glutes and hamstrings workout in Week 4 will be the same as in Week 2, with three supersets of lying leg curls and step-ups. For the fourth superset, you’ll do a drop set of lying leg curls followed by a drop set of step-ups. Rest 45-60 seconds between supersets.
Do the plyometric and abdominal workouts as you did them in Week 2, but you can skip the drop sets.
Do three days of HIIT, two 10-minute sessions of walking bodyweight lunges, and one 15- to 30-minute steady-state cardio workout.
Week 4: Circuit Speed
If you’re not going to go all out this last week, you might as well stay home.
Complete the exercises in the circuit continuously for the number of repetitions prescribed with little to no rest in between moves. Rest for 60 to 90 seconds after each round, then start the circuit again for a total of four rounds. Your cardiovascular program should be the same as Week 3, but try to find any extra energy you may have to push yourself harder.
Daily Workouts (Week 1)
Week 1, Day 1: Glutes, Hamstrings
- Lying Leg Curls
4 sets, 15-20 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Step-up with knee raise
Perform 4 sets of 16-20 reps, alternating sides every 8-10 reps and resting for 45 seconds in between sets.
- Barbell side split squat
Perform four sets of 16 to 20 repetitions, alternating sides and taking no rest between sets.
- Romanian Deadlift
4 sets, 15-20 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Dumbbell reverse lunge
Perform stepping down off of a platform.
Perform 4 sets of 16-20 repetitions, alternating between 8-10 repetitions per side. Rest for 45 seconds in between sets.
- Dumbbell sumo squat
4 sets, 15-20 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Barbell Hip Thrust
4 sets, 15-20 reps (rest 45 sec.)
Do all the repetitions for one side before moving to the other side. Do not take a break in between sides, but rest for 45 seconds in between sets.
Single-leg cable hip extension
4 sets, 15-20 reps (left side, no rest)
Single-leg cable hip extension
4 sets, 15-20 reps (right side, rest 45 sec.)
Week 1, Day 2: Shoulders, Triceps, Chest
- Arnold press
4 sets, 12-15 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Close-Grip Push-up
4 sets, 12-15 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Seated rear delt fly
4 sets, 12-15 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Dumbbell front raise to lateral raise
4 sets, 12-15 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Cable straight-bar upright row
4 sets, 12-15 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Reverse-Grip Triceps Extension
4 sets, 12-15 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- EZ-bar skull crusher
4 sets, 12-15 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Close-grip bench press
4 sets, 12-15 reps (rest 45 sec.)
Week 1, Day 3: Plyometrics
- Box jump
3 sets, 10-20 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Jump Lunge
Perform three sets of 10-20 repetitions, alternating between 5-10 repetitions on each side. Rest for 45 seconds between sets.
- Jump Squat
3 sets, 10-15 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Mountain climber
3 sets, 20-24 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Burpee
3 sets, 10-20 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Speed skater
Do three sets of alternating reps, with five to 10 reps per side. Take a 45-second break in between sets.
- Knee Tuck Jump
3 sets, 10-20 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Skip
3 sets, 20-24 reps (rest 45 sec.)
Week 1, Day 4: Quads, Calves
- Leg Extension
4 sets, 10-12 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Walking Lunge
Moderate-weight dumbbells Bent-over single-arm row Do four sets of alternating Bent-over single-arm rows, with 10-12 reps per set and 45 seconds of rest in between sets. Use moderate-weight dumbbells.
- Barbell Squat
4 sets, 10-12 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Alternating lunge jump
Do four sets, with each set consisting of 10-12 repetitions. Rest for 45 seconds between sets. For each set, alternate between five and six repetitions on each side.
- Leg Press
4 sets, 10-12 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Calf Press On The Leg Press Machine
4 sets, 10-12 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Seated Calf Raise
4 sets, 10-12 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Box jump
4 sets, 10-12 reps (rest 45 sec.)
Week 1, Day 5: Back, Biceps
- Pull-up
If this is too difficult, perform a band-assisted pull-up.
4 sets, 10-12 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Smith machine inverted row
Perform with an underhand grip.
4 sets, 12-15 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Lat pull-down
4 sets, 12-15 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Reverse-grip bent-over row
4 sets, 12-15 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Close-grip pull-down
Perform with an underhand grip.
4 sets, 12-15 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Seated Row
Perform using a v-handle.
4 sets, 12-15 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Standing Biceps Cable Curl
4 sets, 12-15 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Hammer Curl
Perform four sets, alternating between six and eight reps per side with a 45 second rest in between sets.
Week 1, Day 6: Abs
- Crunches
3 sets, 15-20 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Cocoon Crunch
3 sets, 15-20 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Knees tucked crunch
3 sets, 15-20 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Ab bicycle
Three sets of sixteen to twenty repetitions, alternating eight to ten repetitions on each side, with a forty-five second rest in between.
- Bottoms Up
3 sets, 15-20 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- V-up
3 sets, 15-20 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Lying Leg Raise
3 sets, 15-20 reps (rest 45 sec.)
- Elbow plank
3 sets, 1 min (rest 45 sec.)
The Ultimate Beginner’s Workout for a Bikini Body
This quick and easy guide is perfect for women who want to improve their fitness without competing. In just a few minutes, you’ll be on your way to achieving the toned body you’ve always wanted.
Know what you need for a Bikini body
You can change your body’s shape in two ways: losing fat and gaining muscle. Toning refers to gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time. If you want to look slimmer, you need to lose fat. If you want more curves, you need to gain muscle. In my experience, many women new to fitness underestimate the importance of muscle mass. If you’re really lean without much muscle, you might look anorexic. With the same amount of body fat but more muscle mass, you could win a Bikini contest.
Your workout for a Bikini body
The following text argues that strength training is more effective than stretching for lengthening muscles. Strength training is more effective than stretching for lengthening muscles because it builds muscle mass, which increases your long-term energy expenditure. Additionally, performing a full range of motion during strength-training exercises allows your muscles to lengthen more effectively than stretching alone.
This program can be performed 2-3 times a week, alternating between workout A and B. It is good to start with twice a week and then increase to every other day if possible.
Bikini Body Workout A
– 2 minutes rest 1b) DB Bulgarian split squats, 3 sets @ 15 RM – 2 minutes rest 1c) Swiss ball hamstring curls, 3 sets @ 15 RM – 2 minutes rest Do 3 sets of each exercise, using the heaviest weight you can lift 15 times. Rest for 2 minutes between sets. Perform unilateral lying leg curls, DB Bulgarian split squats, and Swiss ball hamstring curls using the heaviest weight you can lift 15 times. Rest for 2 minutes between sets.
High bar squats are a type of squat that helps to build muscle and strength in the legs and lower body. They can be performed with or without weight, and are a great exercise for anyone looking to improve their lower body strength. 3 sets of 8 reps of high bar squats will help to build muscle and strength in your legs and lower body. This is a great exercise for anyone looking to improve their lower body strength, and can be performed with or without weight.
1d) Tempo Barbell squat, 3 sets @ 21X1 1e) Leg press, 3 sets @ 30X0 1c) Dumbbell overhead press (or barbell Military press), 3 sets of 12 reps at your max weight 1d) Tempo Barbell squat, 3 sets of 21 reps at a slow and controlled pace 1e) Leg press, 3 sets of 30 reps with no pause at the top or bottom
– 2 min rest Lat pulldowns with a wide grip or assisted pull-ups on a machine, 3 sets of 15 repetitions with 2 minutes of rest
Do two sets of 15 repetitions of hip thrusts or unilateral hip thrusts or pendulum kickbacks.
2b)Perform four sets of 15 repetitions of face-pulls, bent-over reverse flys, or dumbbell high rows.
Bikini Body Workout B
1b) Barbell Curls, 4 sets @ 10 RM 1a) Pull-throughs (or Romanian deadlifts or 45° hip extensions or reverse hyperextensions), 3 sets @ 15 repetitions maximum 1b) Barbell Curls, 4 sets @ 10 repetitions maximum
1b) Unilateral leg extensions, 3 sets @ 15 RM
Do three sets of calf jumps or unilateral standing calf raises, using a weight that you can only lift 12 times.
Do three sets of push-ups at a resistance level that makes it so that you can only do 12 repetitions.
2a) Hip abductions, 4 sets @ 15 RM
Do three sets of butterfly lateral raises using a weight that you can lift 15 times.
Learn about the structure of this workout routine so that you can make the most of your time in the gym. The exercises that share the same number, such as 1a and 1b, can be done in any order that you prefer. Once you have started the routine, see which piece of equipment is available for the next exercise in the combo and do that one. Once the set is complete, check to see if you can move on to the next exercise. If not, wait 2-5 minutes until you feel ready to continue and then start the next set of the same exercise.
“@ 15 RM” means “at your 15 repetition maximum”: use a weight that you can lift up and down no more than 15 times. If you can do 15 reps with that weight, add about 2.5% more weight or whatever is the smallest amount of weight you can add for the next set (often 5 lb or 2.5 kg). Progressive overload is key. Try not to intentionally fail any reps, but do as many reps as you can with good form.
Doing unilateral exercises means doing them with one arm or leg. For these types of exercises, you should start with your weaker limb. After you finish the set, take a breath and then do the same number of reps with your stronger limb.
Before beginning any workout, it is recommended that you do a warm-up in order to increase your core body temperature. This will allow your muscles, tendons, and nerves to function better. A general template for a warm-up would be to do 5 minutes of low-intensity cardio followed by some bodyweight squats and hip thrusts. Additionally, before starting your heavy work sets of each exercise, perform 1-3 warm-up sets of 5-10 reps with progressively more weight.