6 Types of the Keto Diet


This year, the ketogenic diet has kept its momentum and is more popular than ever, even if it is castigated yearly by the United States. News and World Report. In 2020, the ketogenic diet ranked 34th out of 35 diets in terms of being the best overall. This may be because people find it to be a successful way to achieve rapid weight loss and higher energy levels, with some famous individuals following the plan.

Those dedicated to the ketogenic diet remain committed to its principles without fail, whereas those who have experimented with the diet have discovered that they require additional carbohydrates and protein. Some people have adjusted the low-carb, high-fat diet to fit their personal desires. This has caused a few different adaptations of the keto diet to come into being.

Quick, Short-Term Weight Loss Is an Appealing Factor of Keto

Kristen Kizer, a registered dietitian at Houston Methodist Hospital in Texas, has noted that all these particular diets share a common factor. According to her, a keto diet is any eating plan that results in the body producing ketones.

Ketosis is a metabolic state where the body uses fat instead of carbohydrates as its primary source of energy, according to Amy Shapiro, a registered dietitian from New York City who created Real Nutrition. Research has shown that long-term maintenance of ketosis may be linked to weight reduction, as stated in the Autumn of 2014 in a published article in Experimental & Critical Cardiology. The body’s natural metabolic function is to break down and use fat stores instead of carbohydrates. This is referred to as ketosis.

The ketogenic diet has been gaining traction due to its ability to promote successful and straightforward weight loss, which is generally why it is most commonly recommended, according to Franziska Spritzler, a Registered Dietitian in Los Angeles and founder of Low Carb Dietitian. Studies have looked into benefits that go beyond weight loss such as mood stabilization for people with bipolar disorder (as seen in a small study from Neurocase). Additionally, it has been more thoroughly examined that intermittent fasting can reduce epileptic seizures reported in May 2016 by Epilepsy & Behavior.

Keto Isn’t Without Its Drawbacks, Health-Wise

But not everyone’s a fan. As Jackie Newgent, RDN, a culinary nutritionist in New York City and the author of The All-Natural Diabetes Cookbook points out, most people are attracted to the ketogenic diet as just the latest trend. Most people view the diet as a short-term fix that won’t last long, which contradicts Newgent’s normal recommendation for people to find an eating plan that can be sustained long-term. She is concerned that carrying out the initial keto diet instructions and lowering carbohydrates intake will lead to the omission of nutrient-filled foods like whole grains, some vegetables and fruits.

Which Type of the Keto Diet Is Right for You?

Are you currently on a ketogenic diet or looking to begin one? You might be asking yourself which type is the best fit for you. The answer to that question depends on several elements, such as your ambitions, how active you are, and your medical background.

Take a look at six of the most popular varieties of the ketogenic diet. Kizer emphasizes that although there is a lot of research done on ketosis, the various versions of the diet have not yet had any research conducted on them.

1. A Strict Keto Diet

How It Works

When people claim to be following a rigorous form of the keto diet, they may be talking about the regimen that has been demonstrated to be a successful treatment for epilepsy. This version of the ketogenic diet (sometimes referred to as a “therapeutic keto diet”) has been in use since the 1920s for treating seizures, as reported by an article on Current Treatment Options in Neurology. Traditionally, strict ketosis was used for individuals with epilepsy who could not be treated with medications, as stated by Kizer.

The original study found that sticking to the keto diet for one year led to improvements for 44 percent of study participants, with another 12 percent becoming seizure-free, per a  study published in June 2016 in Practical Neurology.

This incarnation of the diet entails the least amount of carbohydrates (making it the most rigorous). As per the Practical Neurology analysis, the majority of dietary calories (90%) come from fat, a small portion (6%) comes from protein, and just a minuscule amount (4%) comes from carbohydrates.

Risks to Note

The Practical Neurology study discovered that the most widely experienced side effects among those who undertook the diet were constipation, weight reduction, and growth issues or anorexia. Spritzler suggests that deficiencies in protein consumption may explain children’s lack of growth.

There is a potential for increased calcium levels in one’s urine, formation of kidney stones, as well as low blood glucose levels. Research has largely focused on kids, though adults may have the same problems and their cholesterol might be high. However, once they stop the diet and start eating as normal, their cholesterol levels will go down.

It comes as no surprise that abiding strictly by the keto diet appears to be the most difficult option to stick to, since studies show that people who have made modifications to the diet have a higher tendency of sticking with it.

2. The Standard Keto Diet

How It Works

The typical approach to keto means finding 75% of your calories from fats, 20% from proteins, and only 5% from carbohydrates. Shapiro states that reducing carb consumption to between 20 and 30 grams per day has to be done. It’s essential to be aware that the ketogenic diet commonly employed is not the first, or healing, version that a report in Canadian Family Physician indicated can be instrumental in aiding kids with epilepsy. This dietary plan is composed of differing proportions: 80% of calories should come from fat, 15% from protein, and 5% of calories should be derived from carbohydrates.

Risks to Note

Kizer mentions that pregnant women, people with diabetes, and those with a history of kidney stones should consult with a doctor before starting the standard or any other version of the keto diet. She pointed out that a Keto diet may cause bad breath, dizziness, constipation, and lack of energy (generally known as “keto flu”) in the initial few weeks.

Kizer has expressed concern about the possibility of elevated mortality rates resulting from drastic alterations in weight, such as those that occur from following a keto diet. The February 2015 issue of Obesity Reviews reported that yo-yo dieting may be extra hard on the heart.

3. High-Protein Keto

How It Works

This eating plan, aptly named high-protein keto, involves increasing one’s intake of protein, especially after physical exercise, so as to aid in the repair of muscle tissue and the development of strength. Protein will make up 30 percent of one’s total caloric intake, while fat will account for 65 percent and carbohydrates only 5 percent.

It has been discovered that even a slight improvement can have a big effect on your fitness and muscle development! It facilitates bulk building in workouts.

In this variation, approximately 10-15% of the regular fat intake in keto dieting is swapped out in favour of protein. You should consider adding 2 or 3 oz. of meat, like fish, beef, or chicken to your plate for an extra boost of protein. Instead of a 3-ounce serving size of chicken, you could consume 5 or 6 ounces of the food at that meal.

Risks to Note

One potential downside of being in ketosis could be that you have to pay extra attention to your protein intake in order to make sure you’re not getting too little or too much. This edition necessitates additional analysis when it comes to the breakdown of macronutrients.

4. Cyclical Keto

How It Works

On training days, you can increase your intake of carbohydrates or use the amount of net carbs that you are allotted before and after (or just before) your workout as a source of energy.

This is an uncomplicated solution: put in 10 grams of net carbs before and after exercising to supply energy and strengthen muscles. That equates to 20 net grams of carbohydrates per day.

You might add an extra 10 grams of net carbs before going to the gym for increased endurance, and afterward opt for a meal containing more fats and proteins for muscle repair.

Risks to Note

A possible hindrance of this method could be that increased carbohydrate consumption and biking could lead to you not staying in ketosis. It’s imperative to be certain the extra carbs are not going to push you out of ketosis. It is wise to stay within the 10-20 grams of net carbs daily limit. If you decide to add an individual serving size of 20 grams of protein to your routine, portion it into two doses of 10 grams each – to be taken before and after your workout – rather than trying to consume the entire amount in a single serving; that would be too much for the body to process all at once.

If you observe that the cyclical ketogenic diet is preventing you from achieving your desired results, it is suggested to revert to the classic ketogenic diet or to experiment with a distinct variation, for instance, targeted keto.

5. Vegan or Eco Keto

Eating sustainably and with a plant-based diet might require a different approach than the traditional ketogenic diet.

Due to the presence of animal protein from food sources such as butter, beef, dairy products, eggs, etc. alongside fish, pork, and poultry, it might be difficult to ensure you are obtaining enough fat and protein from plant-based sources. Also, the production of meat and dairy products can put a strain on the environment, leading to greater emissions of carbon dioxide.

If you are a conscientious buyer, perhaps a vegan or environmentally-friendly ketogenic option will be a good choice for you.

How It Works

Eco-keto and veganism have a great deal in common—a vegan keto diet eliminates all animal flesh and dairy products, whereas eco-keto involves a focus on eating mostly plant-based foods and selecting items that are environmentally friendly. Both editions of the diet will contain the same amount of macronutrients as what is typically found in a ketogenic diet, enabling you to stay in ketosis and shed some weight – all while following your dietary requirements and adapting to your way of living.

Risks to Note

The possible downside of this variation is that the expense of better-quality components could increase rapidly. This variation in the diet has more strict rules about what food can be consumed, which is already not much. Nutrients like iron and protein aren’t absorbed well from vegetarian options and in much less quantity than what is found in animal proteins per serving.

You must be particularly careful to make sure your body is gaining enough nutrients. If it is not, you should consider taking supplements! If you are not sure how to match foods together correctly, it can be difficult, so talk to your Registered Dietitian if you’re concerned!

6. Very Low Carb Keto

How It Works

For a keto diet that is Very Low Carb, you are maintaining your carbohydrate intake at an exceptionally low amount. Rather than sticking to the severely constraining 25g of net carbs, the low-carb keto diet reduces the consumption of net carbs to below 20 g daily. That’s not much! A single English muffin has about 24 net carbs. This variation’s main goal is to reduce carb intake, even further decreasing the caloric content.

Risks to Note

One big problem is that you are reducing your carbohydrate intake even more! For those who can’t get enough carbs and find it hard to attain a net 25 grams daily, this eating plan is not perfect.


What is the best keto diet type?

It is difficult to provide an answer to that query since it comes down to the individual. One version might be suitable for a vegan, while another might work better for a meat eater. Athletes may require special diets that are high in protein or that vary in caloric intake when compared to those who are not athletes. Listen to your body and choose one for yourself.

How can I reduce stomach fat?

The most effective route for achieving desired results would be following a standard keto diet or concentrating on a high-protein or cyclical keto regimen. These types of regimens enable one to perform more activities and focus on the “core” or midsection area. You may also want to work on elevating your electrolyte intake in one of these versions, because adequate hydration can diminish bloating, leading to a flatter stomach.

Is it advantageous to the body to be in ketosis?

It is affirmative, as through the production of ketones and the burning of fat, weight loss and an increase in energy can be gained. This is what people hope to achieve with the diet. You want your body to be in a state of ketosis as much as possible.

Can I rely on a modified version of the keto diet over an extended period?

Further investigation would be necessary before supplying an exact response, but it appears probable. It is possible to remain on regular keto indefinitely, making these variations easier than they seem at first; they allow one to include more carbs and be more flexible.

Can you switch from one variation to another?

Yes, you can. Talk to a doctor if the current plan isn’t effective and explore alternative options. Experiment until you discover a variant that fits your life.